Tuesday, 12 August 2014

A few things you should know before its too late

There are many times where i have been in a situation or just resurfaced from the bottom of the deep end and wished that i had known just a few things before it was too late. Here are a few off the top of my head:

LESS IS MORE, that’s right ladies, although we all think men like our painted faces, its actually the women we are comparing ourselves too. I am a huge fan of the winged eyeliner, dark purple lipstick and ruby cheeks but unfortunately when we think we are looking our best, men think its actually our worst. And when we put our minds to it, we are only making ourselves up to either catch a man or impress our man. My mum said to me "unfortunately my darling, when we compare our looks and call ourselves ugly, we are only comparing ourselves to other woman who have also got layers of make up on. Our beauty should not be measured by looks and cosmetics. I myself, have not always considered myself beautiful, and I still find it hard to see myself as beautiful, but I learned to accept that there is always going to be someone prettier than me, its just the way life is. How you see the meaning of beautiful and how someone else see's the meaning of beautiful are always going to be completely different, so try not to get caught up in image and people's perception of beauty as beauty is always going to be something that is recognised differently by different people". Need I say more?

IT'S NOT ALL SNAKES AND LADDERS, so forget about the game. Its all fun and games when you're young and flirting is compulsory to survive. If he texts you, the rule is to wait 5 minutes until you reply, and if he hits you it means he likes you and if you are mean that’s the only way to keep them keen. These are not always necessarily true. Sometimes it's nice to put away the game board and just lay things out simple and easy. If you like someone, just say so. There aren't any mixed feelings, no one is left feeling confused and if it's a dead end, you will know straight away instead of three weeks too late. Who knows, you can save so much time which is usually spent fishing, actually enjoying and getting to know a well deserved catch. So my advice, don't try to endure the game when you know what you want, be old school and say it how it is, it’s a win-win situation.

YOUR PHONE ISN'T ACTUALLY APART OF YOUR ARM, if it is, learn when to put it down. Sure its now socially acceptable to have a phone on at all times, and maintaining your social media is a priority for some, but really life goes on with or without your phone being on. Yes, I check my facebook way too much, and I post way too many photos on instagram that I lose followers instead of gaining followers, but there are times when I like to lose my phone in my bed sheets and just enjoy life without it. It's almost addictive and routine to check your phone, or mindlessly scroll through all your apps in boredom. But by doing this, we miss out on seeing the butterflies, or the couple who are domestically fighting across the road or even just talking to your parents and siblings about how there day was. Learn to take a break from the screen and give your thumbs a rest, the world wasn't always digital and it still isn't. And without filters and hash tags, life is bliss.

ONE FOR THE BOYS, if she says she is fine, she's not. In the rare occasion that she is fine, you are better off being safe than sorry. Never underestimate the power of the female mind. Its complicated. Even I get confused whether or not I have upset or angered my friends, or mother or sister. But if I can tell you one simple clue, when she say's she is fine and her eyes are stern but her mouth is still smiling, don’t assume its all blue skies. If you walk away and assume that what she has said is true, the wrath of the unknown is about to hit you. Keep asking her if she is okay, and if she pushes you away, bring her in closer and cuddle her. It works every time.

IT’S THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS, like how a picture tells a thousand words, so does the present you buy for someone. Whether its expensive or not, if you get someone something that is the complete opposite of what they like or who they are, you know nothing about them. Spend some time actually thinking about what they want. It doesn't have to be tiffany and co, or the latest xbox, just make sure it matches their personality and they will love you for it either way. I learnt the hard way, I forgot to get my mum a card this year, although I got a present for her without her knowing it, she was a little upset that I forgot to get her a card. Needless to say, I know I will never make the same mistake again, and she will make sure I don't forget it again. But in saying this, if someone gets you a present, always be appreciative. Even if it is the world's worst present, don’t make yourself look like a smug by being unhappy or unappreciative, just smile and move on. There is always another birthday, Christmas or celebration for them to improve on.

IF YOU ARE GOING TO SING OUT LOUD, make sure you know the lyrics first. I have done this numerous times, and trust me the embarrassment is painful. Just as it is painful to hear someone trying to sing the song you love, but absolutely ruining it for you by mumbling every now and then or even worse, singing wrong lyrics. If you are doing it by yourself with no one around its all good, but if you are in a car or club and someone catches you out, you are going to want to kick yourself for even thinking you could get away with it.

FARTING, there are times when you simply can no longer hold it in. Unfortunately for us girls, it isn't as easy for us as it is for men. Men like to see us as delicate flowers who mysteriously never fart or poo. But like men, when you need to, you need to. So if you are in public, make sure its crowded. Odds are, they aren't going to think it was you, and if you do, try to laugh, cough or sneeze just in case its louder than you anticipated. In relationships, if that barrier is broken and you start peeing in front of each other and you have seen each other naked and he seems perfectly comfortable dutch ovening you, go ahead girlfriend, the court is yours. I dislike men who do not allow their girlfriends farting in front of them just because they think its 'gross'. Because as a girl, I have endured many men including my father, farting around me and burping and doing everything else that women aren't socially 'allowed' to do. So if he says he loves you as much as he says he does, let one rip, it will be the ultimate test. If he pushes you off the bed, or dry reaches, its not your problem, your bowels shouldn't have to take one for the team so he can still find you attractive.
#sorryboys #girlsgottadowhatagirlsgottado

LAUGHING, should not always be reserved for a good joke. Laughing, I have always been told, is the best medicine. There is something that I always and will always believe in. If you tell yourself enough that you are okay, or you tell yourself you are good enough at something, you will become it. Same goes for laughing, even if it is inappropriate timing, or there is nothing to laugh at, or even if you are crying and you force yourself to laugh, you will start to believe that there is something always worth to be happy about. Laughing is associated with happiness and therefore, the more you do it, the happier you will be. Laughter is also beautiful and like a great quote I once read, "a smile is the most beautiful thing a person can wear".

CAREERS, are almost always necessary, but can be optional. We forget that when we leave high school that the world is our oyster. We are almost always forced into starting a degree we have no interest in, we study subjects for twelve years where we are told we are either not good at or we are the best at. We spend most of our lives trying to figure out what we love doing, what we are good at doing, but most importantly, what will be financially beneficial for us and our future. Its hard, for people like myself who fall in love with things like art, writing, dance and music. Because unless you are the best of the best, we are told that they should be a hobby and not our main focus for a career. Its great to be a doctor, pilot, teacher or something that has a solid pathway to success, but when you are clueless or struggling to figure out what you want to do for the next 40+ years it can be daunting and stressful. My advice, do what you love with passion. I used to be fascinated with the idea of having lots of money and having expensive things and a future was only desirable if it included big dollar signs. However, I grew out of that fascination and fell in love with the idea of doing something that I loved, and it brought me an entirety of happiness. I couldn't think of anything worse that doing something you hate, but ended up with lots of money and being completely miserable. Money isn't everything, your career doesn't always have to be written in stone, and just how you become indecisive when choosing something to eat from a menu, you will become indecisive about what you want to do in your career. Don't let it stress you out, and don't be pressured to do anything that everyone else is doing. Do what suits you and everything else will fall into place.

 These are all i could think of whilst i am in limited internet at the moment, but if you feel like i missed some crucial ones out there, please feel free to let me know via facebook or instagram! Would love to hear from you!


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