Monday, 17 February 2014

Be careful, you might sign your life away

Earlier on, i received an abrupt awakening from my beloved real estate agent. Now to give you a bit of background before i dive in, i have moved out of my rental, our lease ran out. I moved to sydney from brisbane, hense leaving the house, cleaned and keys all returned.
Instead of leaving my rental behind and moving on with the next chapter in my life, turns out we have 'accidentally' or in my heart 'been scammed' into signing another lease until 2015!

Oh how this cloud above my head just does not want to pass on and let the sunshine in.

So after many calls to and fro from each tenant and out agent, turns out that theres not much we can do. Four 18 year olds have yet again, managed to fuck up simple paper work and ended up with another load of bullshit on their shoulders!

However, although my signature is on all the pages and yes, i have apparently signed myself over to the devil and gotten myself into a deep rut, i still question how this came to be.

What i thought i was signing- a notice to vacate (form 13 for all those who need to keep this form in mind, so you dont end up where i am) apparently has now turned into a new lease agreement.

So as an 18 year old with my head buried in the clouds, i now should where a big DUNCE hat on my head as it is clear that i did not read what i was signing, and i trusted that what i was doing was right. So i big WARNING message to all new renters out there, please please please, i cannot stress to you enough to double- even triple read what you are signing. Because yes, that fancy little signature you have been practicing on napkins since you were 10 - DOES IN FACT MEAN SOMETHING!

Unfortunately, i had to learn the hard way, and i am paying for it and will be paying for it until i find new tenants for the house.
But although it has also taught me a lesson that although what they say may be correct- they however could be cheating me- and with nothing to lose, why shouldnt i fight this.

So, in the next few days- i will through my head up, put on my best suit (probably just another pair of shorts and a nice shirt) and go to tribunal or as i like to call it REAL ESTATE COURT. *cue law and order sountrack*
This could go two ways, i could win or i could lose- but like i said, with nothing to lose i dont see why i shouldnt give it a crack.

So wish me luck, im going to need it.
But please, read this, take it in... because i never thought it would happen to me. I consider myself a wise girl, who reads everything- but now is proven, that even those who think they have handled everything can really end up - how my dad likes to say 'royally fucked'.

Ciao my fellow bloggers,
I'll be in touch x


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