Monday, 20 October 2014

We see what we want to see

Dedicated to everyone who thinks that I am writing about them, I am. 

Our past is just a story, to anyone but ourselves.
We consider our lives, or we like to think, that what we do in our day or what monumental experiences we have, will impact others.
We forget to see that everyone is going about their lives, trying to do the best for themselves.
Unfortunately, this means that whatever we do, doesn't concern others and therefore we shouldn't live our lives according to how other people live theirs.

I think it's an inevitable struggle. 

I wanted to be different. 
I also wanted to fit in.
It is more or less the struggle of standing on your own, but also feeling the need of other people. Wanting to be needed but also wanting to be seen as independent.

It's awfully complicated trying to find your ground, without others providing you the room. It's also difficult to find trust in those when it can't be guaranteed. Whether or not I can consider this a 'struggle' is really up to me, but in the past and potentially in the future, I see it as something I will always have to overcome.

New friends, family, love, work- the constant change. 
I'm not one to shake my head to change, but it doesn't mean that I also know how to accept it easily. 

My flaw? Dealing with change in a way that doesn't impact my past, present or future. 
I want to be able to see change, grow with change and adapt to change like i do the weather.
I want to be able to believe that people can see me and be able to understand how my mind works. I want to be able to believe that my emotions whilst running wild, can also be sedated. 
Although entirely unlikely, I would love to lead a simple life- but we all know that simplicity is boring

I'm very complicated, and although there is a part of me that has always known it, I have only just accepted it.
Complicated is not always a terrible thing. In fact, I think most people are complicated.

It's natural to meet people who test you, puzzle you and leave you awake at night questioning everything that you are. 

Complications are character and I like to believe that although I can be intricate, this makes me human.

A lot of people go about life wanting to fit in and to live an easy life. But what is an easy life?

I don't think life is easy. In no way will we be able to live, eat, grow as individuals and never come across a hurdle. 

But this is where I start to round things in.
We choose our complications and what dictates our emotions, activities and character.

How we let certain things affect us and our surroundings is entirely in the eye of the beholder. 

Some people are money focused and not emotionally dependant.
Others are emotionally dependant and aren't financially worried.

Everyone one is different, so what I found out, is that it is hard to assume that just because you feel one way, you can't expect others to feel the same. 

Who you are is entirely based on what you have dealt with, grown through and learnt from and trying to compare that to someone else and their story is insane. 

Insane, but also selfish.

Sure, I've assumed that people see things the way that I do. I assume that people can understand my writing and what I don't understand is when they read the things I write, why they don't understand the foundation of where it came from. 

But assumptions are foolish and so is trying to conform or expect others to love you for the same things you love in others.

I'm not saying you won't be loved, but I am saying that everyone has their reasons for being who they are and making the choices they make. 

We see what we want to see in the world. 
Whether that is peace, wealth, love or any other type of vision, people shouldn't have the control to change that. 
Nor should you want to control someone else's.

What we see or what we want to see, reflects in who we are and when I realised that, I saw my complications become simple.
My life became a lot easier and happier and in reality, I realised that I wasn't my sister or my best friend and I wasn't a celebrity that I was envious of. 

I am me, and what I see and want to be accepted from in others, people might want from me. 

And we can't all be the same person.


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