Tuesday 29 April 2014

What's black, white and read all over?

They are unnecessarily large, get caught in even the slightest of breeze and have font that even at 18 years old... i consider needing a stronger prescription for my glasses.

In the off chance that i do pick one up, or purchase the local newspaper whilst waiting for a delayed flight, i have discovered the beauty behind this decreasingly popular form of media.

It doesn't necessarily mean i enjoy reading about politics, or i am interested in the international currency exchange - its more of a metaphor.

Like John Green's character 'Augustus' mentions in the novel "the fault in our stars"about a cigarette- its having the ability to hold something and having the power to not let it kill you.

It is holding onto what little we have left of the past. As technology is becoming more diverse and intricate, devices/ media and other objects are being upgraded and with that- older editions of these creations are losing their significance in our daily lives. 

With smaller devices, easier accessibility to the daily news and a rapidly changing future for our mediums, the newspaper is something that i can see failing to exist within future generations.

The newspaper, i established, possesses the quality of a mental aid. Well to me it does.

It reminds me that although i can be captivated and drowned amongst the multiple social networks developing around me, i still have the rare opportunity to hold onto a dying form of media at the cost of $2.50

In generations to follow, paper will be digital and like everything else now-a-days, the newspaper will no longer contribute to everyday society and instead will be completely obliterated to just being another app underneath our fingertips.

Sad isn't it?

I have the time now, to stop and appreciate that when my sweaty palms, clasp onto the Sydney Morning Herald, that the ink will seep into my hands. That the words printed onto bleak paper are real and that angry birds or candy crush will never be as challenging as the page 12 cryptic crossword. That there will never be anything more frustrating that completing the sudoku or puzzler and then having to wait until tomorrow's paper to see if i got my answers right. 

I have the time, and the priviledge to appreciate that the sound of the rustling newspaper will instantly remind me of my granparents, tea and a business man with a suit and tie getting his daily news and updates whilst on the bus to work. 

It associates me with the world we live in now. It relates me to the world i am currently enveloped in and brings me to a sudden ease of mind knowing that technology and the new 'iwhatever',  hasn't consumed me- not yet anyway. 


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