Blogging is fucking hard.
To find something to write about and expand on it from your own personal perspective is easy... but to actually relate to people and blog about something an audience enjoys, i find an everyday challenge.
Blogging for me- its my job.
I enjoy writing- its my passion and gives me a rush of adrenalin when i see that other people are liking what they hear.
However, this isn't always the case.
There are times when i get low. When i write about something I feel is blockbuster worthy and all of a sudden, no one is interested in it.
Its also hard to find material to write about- which hasn't already been written.
I dont want to write about how to do your makeup in the morning or what clothes are 'in' at the moment.
Thousands of people do that.
Maybe vlogging is the way to go? Youtube is becoming increasingly popular and its alot easier to voice your opinions than write them down.
For me its the opposite. I stutter, i freeze i forget what im talking about- whether blogging? I can actually read, edit and take the time to think about what i am going to say next.
I guess im just caught up at the moment. There are a thousand things i want to write and say/ but i dont know if anyone is going to listen.
Its also very hard building an audience without being rich or famous.
No one wants to hear what a teenage girl has to say unless she is dating justin bieber or has some sort of moral high ground in hollywood.
Tweeting is also difficult. Everyone does it, but its a dog eat dog world out there. People follow you only to receive a follow back and boom- they unfollow you instantly.
People only tweet to hear about what snoop dog is smoking next or who will be involved in the next lip syncing battle with Jimmy Fallon.
Its a brutal industry, and to be getting involved at what i thought was a young age- only has shown me that im already three years too late.
There are thousands of bloggers and although when you're acknowledged as an upcoming journalist- you are literally one out of a million other teenagers auditioning.
This takes a toll on my individuality and makes me reconsider my life's ambitions. Is it worth it? Am i writing for nothing. Is it a dead end or will my voice ever be heard?
I dont know. Right now im sort of 'winging' it. I dont know if people enjoy my writing or if my blogs will ever make a change or relate to someone other than my mum. I dont know if this career line will be able to feed my potential family or will assist in helping me buy my first home.
All i know is that, although i receive negative feedback every now and then, and sometimes i don't get as many viewers as hoped, i enjoy what i do.
I love being able to write my opinions and although not everybody can relate to my blogs or can be bothered reading what i have to say- at least i know i will always be doing something that i love.
Its really easy to throw in the towel and go hop on the conformation train.
I could become a nurse, lawyer, dentist or follow some other occupational road- however, i would not be doing what i love.
And without passion or love behind your work- you will never have motivation to keep doing what you're doing, even when the going gets tough.
Its something i'm struggling with right now- but i keep faith in the fact that maybe one day things will turn clear and suddenly i'm writing for a stadium full of people and not just people sitting around my dining table.
Same goes for you- keep faith in your hard work now. Keep training, keep studying, keep singing- keep doing whatever it is that gets your blood boiling and your heart kicking- because its what you love. You shouldn't go a day without doing what you love most.
Cheers for listening to me rant.
Thats all for now x